Sample law school exam contracts

Studies have shown that the single most important thing you can do to raise your grade is to take practice exams.

"Students who take practice exams in the fall session raised their GPAs by 1.5 points . Since law school exams are, as a group, rather different from other sorts of tests, students who actually write out a dry-run test or two are less likely to be shocked into writer's block when they face their first real exam." Journal of Legal Education , Volume 45, Number 2, Page 188-189 (June 1995)

You can test yourself by taking the following practice exams. You should first check to see whether your class has studied the area that the exam covers. Different schools have different curriculums. If your class has not studied this area, you can still take the exam by reviewing the rules of law that pertain to the exam. The link for the rules is contained at the beginning of each exam. After completing the practice exam, compare your answer with the model answer.

Civil Procedure Practice Exam
Time: 60 minutes
Subject Matter: Jurisdiction

This Civil Procedure exam tests your knowledge of the substantive law of jurisdictional issues. The way in which Civil Procedure is taught varies between law schools. If you have not studied jurisdiction, then we advise you to delay taking this exam until you have done so.

Alternatively, you can review the Civil Procedure Rules of Law that are relevant for this exam.

Contracts Practice Exam
Time: 30 minutes
Subject Matter: Unconscionable Contracts

This Contracts practice exam tests your knowledge of the substantive law of unconscionable contracts. The way in which professors teach Contracts varies between law schools. If you have not studied unconscionable contracts, then we advise you to delay taking this exam until you have done so.

Alternatively, you can review the Contracts Rules of Law that are relevant for this exam.

Criminal Law Practice Exam
Time: 90 minutes
Subject Matter: Rape, Murder and related issues

This Criminal Law practice exam tests your knowledge of rape, murder and some related issues. Since criminal law is taught differently between law schools, we encourage you to only take this practice exam once you have completed these subjects in your law school curriculum.

Alternatively, you can review the Criminal Law Rules of Law that are relevant for this exam.

Property Practice Exam
Time: 60 minutes
Subject Matter: Landlord-Tenant

This Property practice exam tests your knowledge of Landlord-Tenant issues. Since property law is taught differently between law schools, we encourage you to only take this practice exam once you have completed these subjects in your law school curriculum.

Alternatively, you can review the Property Rules of Law that are relevant for this exam.

Torts Practice Exam
Time: 60 minutes
Subject Matter: Negligence

This Torts exam tests you in the substantive law of Negligence. The way in which Negligence is taught varies between law schools. If you have not studied negligence, then we advise you to delay taking this exam until you have done so.

Alternatively, you can review the Torts Rules of Law for the practice exam.

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