Virginia Conflict of Interest and Ethics Advisory Council

The Virginia Conflict of Interest and Ethics Advisory Council was created by the General Assembly to encourage and facilitate compliance with the State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act (§ 2.2-3100 et seq.), the General Assembly Conflicts of Interests Act (§ 30-100 et seq.) and the lobbying laws in Article 3 of the Code of Virginia (§ 2.2-418 et seq.).

The Council is also responsible for receiving lobbyist disclosures and Conflict of Interest disclosures from members of the General Assembly, state officers and employees, constitutional officers and members of the judiciary.

Online Conflict of Interest Training

Conflict of Interest training is required every two years for certain state and local government officers and employees. The online modules are specific to the role in which you serve and must be viewed in its entirety in order to satisfy the training requirement. The system will not credit your attendance if you fast forward through any portion of the training. Please email if you have any issues viewing the training.

Click here to access training. Google Chrome is the preferred browser to use when accessing the training. When you select your role from the drop down menu in the registration process, you will automatically access the proper module. The roles are: