Summary Dissolution in California

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Summary Dissolution California

Divorces can be lengthy and complicated, adding stress and financial expenses to what is already an unfortunate event. Still, there are situations where splitting up can be faster than traditional litigation and take fewer steps.

California offers some couples a simplified divorce called a summary dissolution. If you meet the state’s criteria, you can bypass the complicated divorce process and keep things simple.

Read on to find out if it’s a good choice for you.

Summary Dissolution California

What is a Summary Dissolution?

Summary dissolution is a simplified divorce process for couples who meet specific eligibility criteria. It is a type of divorce rather than an alternative option, like mediation or a collaborative divorce.

A summary dissolution will result in the same valid divorce decree that will officially terminate your marriage or domestic partnership. However, it may be a more straightforward way to achieve the same outcome.

A few prominent differences between a summary dissolution and a regular divorce are the cost, time, and amount of paperwork involved. In particular, summary dissolution requires couples to file fewer legal forms with the court.

Also, you don’t need a lawyer for a summary dissolution. You won’t need to schedule multiple appointments with legal professionals or attend court hearings. So, it’s one of the fastest ways to get divorced if you meet the mandatory requirements.

What Are the Benefits of Summary Dissolution?

Summary dissolution in California has several benefits compared to the traditional divorce process.

Summary dissolution in California is less expensive than traditional divorce since the spouses do not usually hire attorneys for legal representation. So, the price mainly consists of court filing fees.

The process is almost automatic and includes a few simple steps. In particular, the spouses only need to file the paperwork and wait for the judge’s decision. Moreover, unlike regular divorce, they don’t need to schedule and attend court hearings.

With the summary dissolution, the spouses have more control over the divorce outcome. In particular, they agree on the terms and put them into a settlement agreement that governs their post-divorce rights and responsibilities.

Spouses with a summary dissolution can keep the details of their divorce proceedings private. It’s a way to end a marriage without going to court and giving out personal information.

By peacefully reaching agreements outside the courtroom, the couples experience less stress and minimize the likelihood of conflict escalation. Additionally, they have a higher chance of staying on good terms after divorce.

What is the Difference Between Summary Dissolution and Divorce in California?

Summary dissolution and divorce are legal methods for ending a marriage in California. However, there are several significant differences between them.

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