Dream manager certification cost

At the heart of our program is the Dream Manager—a certified professional dedicated to helping you navigate the path to your aspirations. Whether you’re looking to achieve personal milestones or unite your team around a shared vision, the Dream Manager is your ally in unlocking the possibilities within.

Certified Dream Manager

Using Floyd’s Dream Manager curriculum, I specialize in coaching individuals and teams to identify and achieve their dreams.

Financial Coaching

With a keen understanding of how financial stability impacts the realization of dreams, I provide targeted financial coaching to navigate and overcome financial challenges.

Certified MBTI Practitioner

Utilizing the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®, I delve into how personality influences communication, work style, and leadership, tailoring strategies for personal and professional development.

My approach is holistic, recognizing that the pursuit of dreams is intertwined with financial stability, personality dynamics, and the development of personal and professional skills. By addressing these areas, I help individuals and teams not just to dream, but to enact plans that bring those dreams to life.

Bilingual Program Offering

In my commitment to accessibility and inclusivity, I am proud to offer the Dream Manager Program in both English and Spanish. This bilingual offering ensures that language is not a barrier to personal growth and team development. Whether you’re an individual seeking personal fulfillment or an organization aiming to foster a culture of engagement and innovation, this program is designed to meet you where you are.